Andrew Trevorrow's home page
Abandon all hype ye who enter here.
I've retired from the shareware business.
These days I spend my programming time collaborating with other like-minded geeks
on the following open source projects:
is an application for exploring Conway's Game of Life
and many other types of cellular automata.
is a program for exploring reaction-diffusion systems.
It also supports different types of cellular automata not possible with Golly.
is a fast and friendly anagram generator.
(This is a brand new implementation of my old Anagrams application.)
is a GUI for Lua scripts. The screenshots below illustrate some of
the scripts that are included with Glu.

CrossCards.lua |

MegaWordle.lua |

SlidingBlocks.lua |

Rubik'sCube.lua |

TrappedKnight.lua |

Dilemma.lua |

HatLife.lua |

Mandelbrot.lua |

VortexMath.lua |

Klondike.lua |

TheNuMoon.lua |

Numble.lua |
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